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Think of the Onion as a Globe
To thinly slice our onion, we wanttocut along those lines of longitude, top to bottom. Trimoffthe tip and the root, cut the onion in half frompoleto pole, and then slice each half radially, with yourknifeslightly angled toward the middle oftheonion.
Furthermore, how do you slice an onion for fajitas?
How to Slice Onions for Fajitas
- Peel the onion and cut it half, from the stem to the rootend,on a clean cutting board.
- Lay one half of the onion on its flat side on thecuttingboard.
- Position the knife on one side of the onion, closest tocuttingboard and at an angle so you are following the lines ontheonion.
- Cut the top, then slice in half. Using a sharp chef'sknife,slice about a half an inch off the top of the onionanddiscard.
- Peel off the papery layers. Remove and discard the skin.
- Chop vertically. Take one onion half and lay it flat onyourcutting board.
- Chop horizontally.
Then, how do you dice an onion?
How to dice an onion
- Cut the onion in half, slicing downwards through the root,thenpeel.
- Cut 5-6 vertical slices into each half, leaving therootintact.
- Lay the onion half flat, slicing horizontally and keepingtheroot intact.
- Slice downwards across these cuts to dice.
All you need to do is give theslicedonions a good soak in a bowl of waterbeforeserving them. The sulfur compounds responsible for thatharsh“biting” flavor and onion's powerfulaftertastedissipate into the water from the cut surfaces oftheonion.