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1. Run the line through the eye of the hook,thentie a loose double overhand knot in the end oftheline. 2. Pass the open loop over the hook and tightenthewhole thing so that the loop tightens around theeye.
Similarly, what is the best knot to join two lines?
Knots that you can use to tie onefishingline to another line. The Blood Knot istriedand true and a long time favorite with fishermen. The DoubleUniKnot is considered by many to be easier to tieandjust as reliable. However, in multiple tests theJKnot is the line to line knot that comesouton top.
Thereof, how do you tie a snelled hook on a fishing line?
Snell Knot Tying Instructions
- Run a line through the hook eye and down the shank of thehook.Form a loop below the hook with the line.
- Pass tag end of line around hook shank and through loop 4 to6times. Keep wraps tight to each other.
- Work coils down shank to eye and pull tag end and standinglineto tighten.
Palomar Knot Tying Instructions
- Double 6 inches of line and pass end of loop through eyeofhook.
- Tie a loose overhand knot with hook hanging from bottom.
- Holding overhand knot between thumb and forefinger, pass loopofline over the hook.
- Pull on both the standing line and tag end to tighten knotdownonto eye.