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Asked by: Loreta Fichera
hobbies and interests drawing and sketchingHow do you transfer without carbon paper?
- Step 1: First Find/draw/print Off an Image.
- Step 2: Use a Graphite Pencil on the Back of the Image.
- Step 3: Have an Object You Want to Transfer theImageTo.
- Step 4: Tape Image to the Surface.
- Step 5: Use a Pencil or Pen to Trace Over YourEntireImage.
- Step 6: Pull Off the Tape and Volia!
Herein, how do you transfer carbon paper?
Place the carbon paper, shiny side down, overthepaper that will be the copy. Place the original to becopiedon top of the dull side of the carbon paper.Use apencil or a pen to write on the original by pressingdown firmly tomake sure the carbon istransferred.
Likewise, people ask, can you make carbon paper?
For small, individual images, the quickest waytomake a carbon transfer is to trace your image ontoapiece of tracing paper using graphite pencil. Thepencilwill transfer to most surfaces with a faint grayline.Alternatively, you can scribble over one side ofthetracing paper, covering it entirelywithpencil.
Tracing papers are described as lightweight,translucent paper or vellum, often not exceeding a25lbweight. Transfer papers, on the other hand, work likeacarbon copy, in that one side of the paper iscoatedwith graphite or other transferable coatings. They usuallycome insheets or rolls.