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Asked by: Veneranda Furet
hobbies and interests jewelry makingHow do you treat VHT engine paint?
Wipe down the surface to be painted with grease and waxremover and prep with either Shellite or brake cleaner. For maximumadhesion and colour consistency we recommend applying VHTEngine Primer (SP148). If the old paint is intact,remove any dirt, rust, grease, loose paint, etc and lightlysand to a dull finish.
Considering this, how do you treat VHT Paint?
- Paint must be completely dry before curing.
- Heat to 250°F (121°C) for 30 minutes.
- Cool for 30 minutes.
- Heat to 400°F (204°C) for 30 minutes.
- Cool for 30 minutes.
- Heat to 650°F (343°C ) for 30 minutes.
- Rust-Oleum. Gas & Oil Resistant Engine Enamel.
- Bottom Line. High-quality engine enamel paint that resists hightemperatures and is easy to apply, all at a great price.
- Pros. Trusted brand name that's available in multiple colors ata desirable price point.
- Cons. Will require seven days to completely cure.
how long does it take for VHT paint to dry?
15-30 minutes
No primer is required when the surface isproperly prepared. These VHT coatings are specificallydesigned to withstand high temperatures, extreme weather, rust andcorrosion which makes them ideal for exhaust system protections.VHT Roll Bar Paint does not require the use ofa PRIMER.