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Asked by: Fructuosa Chertorizhsky
home and garden landscapingHow do you trim a large mesquite tree?
In this regard, how do I prune a mesquite tree?
If you've cut irrigation and a mature tree's growth is stagnant, you'll just do some basic pruning. When you are pruning a mesquite tree, start by removing dead, damaged or diseased branches. Remove them close to the point of origin. Use pruning shears or a pruning saw when you are cutting back a mesquite tree branch.
Also, how do you kill a large mesquite tree?
The most effective way to control mesquite is to mechanically or chemically kill the buds at the base of the stem to prevent resprouting. This can be accomplished by root plowing, grubbing (digging up the roots of individual plants) or use of herbicides. Additional management options include the use of prescribed fire.
Velvet mesquite trees prefer areas with full sun exposure and quick-draining soil. They tolerate a variety of soils, including loamy, sandy and dry. They do not do well in wet soil. Planting the mesquite tree in poor soil actually improves the soil because the plant fixes nitrogen in the soil around its roots.