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Asked by: Ilhame Wilhalm
technology and computing desktop publishingHow do you type cubed in Excel?
Likewise, how do you write cubed in Excel?
If your program supports it, the quickest way to addacubed symbol is through its Alt code. Hold down the"Alt"key and type "0179" without quotes. When you releasethe"Alt" key, the cubed symbol appears.
- On the worksheet, click a cell.
- type the numbers or text that you want to enter, and thenpressEnter or Tab. To enter data on a new line within a cell, enteraline break by pressing Alt+Enter.
Hereof, how do I type an exponent in Excel?
If you're an avid Microsoft Excel user, youwilllikely eventually need to use exponents in Excel. Usethe"Power" function to specify an exponent using theformat"Power(number,power)." When used by itself, you need to addan "="sign at the beginning. As an example, "=Power(10,2)" raises10 tothe second power.
Try holding down one of the Alt keys and typing 0178onthe NumPad (with NumLock ON) then releasing the Alt key forthe² (i.e. squared) symbol. Cubed (e.g. ³)isAlt+0179 and there are a host of others (both supersriptandsubscript) within the Unicode character set starting aroundtheU+2070 area.