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Asked by: Gimena Strufe
technology and computing desktop publishingHow do you type cubed on a keyboard?
Besides, how do you type powers on a keyboard?
Press the "Ctrl," "Shift" and "=" keys onyourkeyboard to turn on the Superscript mode.Enteranother number or expression signifying the exponent.Superscriptmode raises the level of the text and reduces the fontsize,producing a professional-looking exponent.
Furthermore, how do you type square meters on a keyboard?
In any version of Microsoft Word, type m2,thenhighlight the 2. Now press and hold Ctrl and Shift, then pressthe+ key and it will be changed to superscript and will looklikethis: m2.
If your text contains the chemical formulaH2O,select the “2.” Click the“Home”panel tab on the ribbon. Click the“Superscript” buttonin the Font group or press“Ctrl-Shift+=” to format theselected character assuperscript.