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Asked by: Cinderella Echaide
video gaming esportsHow do you unlock all characters in Smash Bros 3ds?
All of Super Smash Bros.3DS'scharacters can be unlocked by playingSmash Modebattles. In fact, if you play 120 of them, you'llunlock everycharacter in the game. You need to play asingle-playermatch against the character you want tounlock tofree it.
Furthermore, how many characters can you unlock in Super Smash Bros 3ds?
Following the CPU match, the characterwillchallenge you to a one-on-one fight.Ifyou get together with some friends and play 120SmashMode battles (online matches also count), youwill meet theunlock requirements for every characterin thegame.
Beside this, how do you unlock Ness in Smash Bros 3ds?
Method 3 Super Smash Bros (3DS)
- Play ten matches for a chance to beat Ness. Play any tenfights,then beat Ness when he challenges you.
- Play and beat "Classic" mode. This is identical totheone-player mode in the original game.
- Defeat Ness to unlock him. Ness hasn't changed much fromearliergames.
The roster contains a total of 58 characters,34of which return from Brawl, three of which return after beingcutin the transition from Melee to Brawl (Dr. Mario, Mewtwo, andRoy),and 21 of which are new to the series.