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Asked by: Kirian Mendiolea
home and garden interior decoratingHow do you upholster a Parsons chair?
- Measure the width of your Parsons chair seat atthewidest part and add 10 inches to get the width of fabric youneedfor the seat.
- Measure the height of the seat back from theseat,up and over the back down to the bottom of thechair.
- Place your upholstery foam on the seat and trimitto fit.
Also question is, how much fabric do I need to reupholster a Parsons chair?
Enough fabric to cover yourchairs(probably 1 1/2 to 2 meters/yards per chair). Astaple gun;pneumatic (or manual, if you're the sort who enjoys painandsuffering). The first order of business, obviously, is to striptheold fabric off. This job is much lessfrustratingwith the proper tools.
In respect to this, what is Parson chair?
Armless chairs that generally sit along thesideof a dining table are called side chairs .Sidechairs can have upholstered seats, but are generallynotfully upholstered. Parsons. A parsons chaircansuitnearly all décor styles, because of its simple designandclean lines.
All About Fabric! As a general rule, using 54" wide fabric,3/4yard will work for 2 chairs. Three-quarters yards willgiveyou two pieces that are 27" x 27". If you have fourchairs,you will need 1.5 yards, six chairs takes 2.25yards, eightchair seats take 3 yards, and soon.