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Asked by: Christine Stahli
medical health lung and respiratory healthHow do you use a 3 ball incentive spirometer?
To use the spirometer:
- Sit up and hold the device.
- Place the mouthpiece spirometer in your mouth. Makesureyou make a good seal over the mouthpiece with your lips.
- Breathe out (exhale) normally.
- Breathe in (inhale) SLOWLY.
Also question is, how do you read an incentive spirometer?
Using your incentive spirometer
- Sit upright in a chair or in bed.
- Put the mouthpiece in your mouth and close your lipstightlyaround it.
- Breathe in (inhale) slowly through your mouth as deeply asyoucan.
- Try to get the piston as high as you can, while keepingtheindicator between the arrows.
Similarly, what is an incentive spirometer and how is it used?
An incentive spirometer is a device thatmeasureshow deeply you can inhale (breathe in). It helps you takeslow,deep breaths to expand and fill your lungs with air. Thishelpsprevent lung problems, such as pneumonia. Theincentivespirometer is made up of a breathing tube, an airchamber, andan indicator.
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