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Asked by: Diadie Neusser
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you use a hot air popcorn popper?
Correspondingly, how does a hot air popcorn popper work?
The air popcorn maker contains a heating element, a fan and an enclosed air path that vents into an open, sealed container. On top of the vent are the popcorn kernels. Once the air is hot enough and it passes over the kernels, they pop as if they were in a traditional popcorn maker, except without the fatty oils.
Beside this, can you put oil in a hot air popcorn maker?
Get it fast and make it delicious with a hot air popcorn popper. You don't need cooking oil to pop up a batch of fluffy, white popcorn when you use a hot air popcorn popper. Use the butter-melting cup (which doubles as a measuring cup) to measure 1/2-cup of popcorn.
Soggy or chewy popcorn usually indicates the heat of the air popper is not getting hot enough.