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Asked by: Ethelene Costero
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you use a hydraulic knockout punch?
- Drill a hole through the material, using a drill and metal-cutting bit.
- Fit the appropriate size of die onto the draw stud, then insert the draw stud into the pilot hole.
- Thread the desired size of punch onto the draw stud and hand-tighten it to the backside of the material.
In this way, what is a hydraulic knockout set?
Hydraulic knockout punch kits enable you to easily and quickly punch holes through a variety of tough surfaces, including steel, with their hydraulic rams (Source). It features an 11 ton hydraulic ram enabling you to safely punch holes in plastic, aluminum, fiberglass and steel that is up to 10-gauge.
- Drill a hole through the material, using a drill and metal-cutting bit.
- Fit the appropriate size of die onto the draw stud, then insert the draw stud into the pilot hole.
- Thread the desired size of punch onto the draw stud and hand-tighten it to the backside of the material.
Keeping this in consideration, how do you punch a hole in an electrical box?
To remove a knockout, position the tip of a regular, blade-tip screwdriver just inside the edge, on the side opposite the attachment points. That ought to partially dislodge the knockout, allowing you to remove it the rest of the way by twisting back and forth until the attachment points snap.
The punch part is the most difficult, I use a 1" belt sander, and an 80 grit belt. Sand the face of the punch, as best as possible. Don't sand the edge at all, it'll make it smaller, and it won't shear the metal being cut. The die part is really easy, just hit the face of it until the inner rim feels sharp.