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Asked by: Brezhoneg Clota
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you use a nail gun for baseboards?
Likewise, people ask, what type of nail gun do I need for baseboards?
A finish nailer is a versatile tool, and drives either 15- or 16-gauge nails. They are used for smaller projects than framing nails, such as crown molding, baseboards, cabinets, chair rails, decorative trim, millwork, and hardwood flooring.
Consequently, can you use 18 gauge nails for baseboards?
Both are commonly used for installing baseboard, chair rail, door and window casing, crown molding, and door frames. One advantage to 15-gauge nails is that they are collated at an angle, which allows the nose of the nailer to reach into tighter spaces. Brad nailers use smaller 18-gauge nails up to 2 inches long.
Brad nails, or brads, are made of 18-gauge steel wire. Nail gauge sizes indicate the thickness of the nail. Thinner nails have higher gauge numbers. Finish nails, or finishing nails, are generally made of 15- or 16-gauge steel wire, making them slightly thicker in diameter than brad nails.