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Asked by: Betsaida Groene
business and finance construction industryHow do you use a rafter tie?
Rafter ties are installed between opposing rafters, and they should be installed as close as possible to the top plate. Rafter ties resist the outward thrust that rafters exert on the exterior walls. They help keep walls from spreading due to the weight of the roof. When the walls spread, the ridge board might sag.
Also, how do you attach Rafter ties?
- Step 1 – Install the Two Rafters as Temporary Supports on the Wall. When installing the rafters, you will need two assistants.
- Step 2 – Tack the Rafters into the Wall End Support.
- Step 3 – Install the Rafters.
- Step 4 – Install the Other Rafters.
- Step 5 – Cut the Rafter Ties.
- Step 6 – Fit the Rafter Ties.
People also ask, how many Rafter ties do I need?
Rafter ties amount to an additional framing member that runs above the ceiling joists and that connects opposing rafters. They are generally required every 4 ft., which means that you need a rafter tie only for every other pair of 24-in. o. c. rafters or for every third pair of 16-in.
A rafter is one of a series of sloped structural members such as wooden beams that extend from the ridge or hip to the wall plate, downslope perimeter or eave, and that are designed to support the roof deck and its associated loads. A pair of rafters is called a couple.