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Asked by: Charmaine Carmelo
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you use a tack cloth after sanding?
Regarding this, should I use tack cloth after sanding?
After sanding, you would need to use tack cloth once again and only lightly, to remove the dust created by the sandpaper.
Secondly, what can I use in place of a tack cloth?
Old baby diapers, shirts, and heavy cheesecloth would be great as a tack cloth substitute as long as they are washed well and lint-free. Step 2: Turn the cloth into a rag by cutting it into the size of a handkerchief. It is best to use pinking shears when cutting so that it won't ravel as much.
To make your own tack cloth, launder a white cotton dishtowel. The size should be approximately 12x24 inches, but this isn't critical. Soak the towel in clean water and wring it as dry as you can; then fold the towel in several layers to make a pad.