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Asked by: Cesarino Schmidchen
hobbies and interests audio productionHow do you use a transposition cipher?
Thereof, how does a transposition cipher work?
Transposition Ciphers. Unlike a simple substitution cipher (such as the Caesar Cipher), which switches the letters of a message around, Transposition Ciphers instead work by messing with the order of the letters to hide the message being sent. For this, we'll take a message (plaintext) and arrange it into a few columns
Beside this, what is transposition cipher with example?
One example of a transposition cipher, is to reverse the order of the letters in a plaintext. So "a simple example" becomes "ELPMAXE ELPMIS A". Another, similar, way to encrypt a message would be to reverse the letters of each word, but not the order in which the words are written.
Here, we are going to learn about some Transposition Techniques which includes Rail-fence Technique, Columnar Transposition, Verman Cipher, and Book/Running-key Cipher. Also, we study their respective Algorithms. Transposition Techniques are based on the permutation of the plain-text instead of substitution.