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Asked by: Jerrod Lobbecke
healthy living running and joggingHow do you use a treadmill at the gym?
- Familiarize yourself with the treadmill you'llbeusing.
- Stretch before stepping onto the treadmill.
- Get on the treadmill, but don't stand right onthebelt.
- Begin your workout with a light five-minute warm-up.
- Walk or run with proper form.
- Hydrate your body before, during and after training.
Herein, how do I start working out on a treadmill?
Start by Walking "It's best to warm up for at least five minutes ataneasy to moderate walking pace, maybe a 2.5 mph or 3 mph pace,"saysMcKay. "Then increase the pace until you are slightlyout ofbreath for the duration of your workout,anywhere from fiveminutes to 15 minutes forbeginners."
Then, is a treadmill a good workout?
Walking or running on a treadmill is a formofaerobic exercise, which burns calories. Regular use ofatreadmill helps you lose weight, especially inconjunctionwith healthy changes such as an improved diet. This isbeneficialfor beginners, who may be able to run longer on atreadmillthan they can outdoors.
Running on the treadmill for 30 minutes at aneasypace of 5 mph, a 125-pound person will burn 240 calories whilea185-pound person will burn about 355 calories. A 240-calorielossadds up to just over an ounce of weight lost. A355-calorieburn adds up to about 1.6 ounces, or 1/10 of apound.