Asked by: Abigail Omnes
medical health bone and joint conditions

How do you use anatomical terms?

Anatomic terms describe the directions within the body as well as the body's reference planes, cavities and regions.

Other directional terms:
  1. Intermediate – means between—your heart is intermediate to your lungs.
  2. Caudal – at or near the tail or posterior end of the body.
  3. Visceral – may be used instead of deep.

Subsequently, one may also ask, what are the anatomical directions?

Anatomical directional terms are like the directions on a compass rose of a map. Like the directions, North, South, East and West, they can be used to describe the locations of structures in relation to other structures or locations in the body.

Secondly, what are the 3 main body planes? In human and animal anatomy, three principal planes are used:
  • The sagittal plane or median plane (longitudinal, anteroposterior) is a plane parallel to the sagittal suture.
  • The coronal plane or frontal plane (vertical) divides the body into dorsal and ventral (back and front, or posterior and anterior) portions.

Hereof, why do we use anatomical terms?

The anatomical position is of importance in anatomy because it is the position of reference for anatomical nomenclature. Anatomic terms such as anterior and posterior, medial and lateral, abduction and adduction, and so on apply to the body when it is in the anatomical position.

What best describes the anatomical position?

Anatomical position is the description of any region or part of the body in a specific stance. In the anatomical position, the body is upright, directly facing the observer, feet flat and directed forward. The upper limbs are at the body's sides with the palms facing forward.

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What is meant by anatomical position?

n. The erect position of the body with the face directed forward, the arms at the side, and the palms of the hands facing forward, used as a reference in describing the relation of body parts to one another.

Ousmane Pfaffenzeller


What is sagittal view?

Sagittal: A vertical plane passing through the standing body from front to back. The mid-sagital, or median, plane splits the body into left and right halves. For a more complete listing of terms used in medicine for spatial orientation, please see the entry to "Anatomic Orientation Terms".

Afton Azizi


What are the 4 body planes?

Terms in this set (4)
  • sagittal plane. divides the body into two parts lengthwise, right and left, although not necessarily into halves.
  • midsagittal plane. refers to the sagittal plane dividing the body into equal parts or halves.
  • frontal (coronal) plane.
  • transverse (horizontal) plane.

Niccolo Petkov


What are the anatomical parts of the body?

It comprises a head, neck, trunk (which includes the thorax and abdomen), arms and hands, legs and feet. The study of the human body involves anatomy, physiology, histology and embryology. The body varies anatomically in known ways.

Quirico Zschietzschmann


What is the anatomical position in humans?

In humans, standard anatomical position is with the body standing up straight and facing forward, with arms by the sides of the body and palms facing forward. The legs are straight, and the feet are slightly apart from one another and turned outward slightly.

Yadhira Daam


What is the side of your body called?

Anterior means toward the front (chest side) of the body, posterior means toward the back. Medial and Lateral. Medial means toward the midline of the body, lateral means away from the midline. Ipsilateral means on the same side—the left arm is ipsilateral (on the same side) to the left leg.

Alexey Ikazuriaga


What is anatomical nomenclature?

Anatomical Nomenclature. Over the centuries, anatomists developed a standard nomenclature, or method of naming anatomical structures. In the standard anatomical position, superior means toward the head or the cranial end of the body. The term inferior means toward the feet or the caudal end of the body.

Qasim Morgadaz


What are the 5 regions of the body?

The human body is roughly apportionable into five big regions: head, neck, torso, upper extremity and lower extremity.

Mariemma Karls


What is anatomical language?

Language of Anatomy. Language of Anatomy. In order to communicated with one another anatomists rely upon a language and standard points of reference. Anatomical Position. The body can assume a variety of positions including standing up, lying down and if lying down, lying down on the stomach or lying down on the back.

Nataliya Agapitov


What is the anatomical term for chest?

Thoracic cavity
The upper ventral, thoracic, or chest cavity contains the heart, lungs, trachea, esophagus, large blood vessels, and nerves. The thoracic cavity is bound laterally by the ribs (covered by costal pleura) and the diaphragm caudally (covered by diaphragmatic pleura).

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What is the anatomical term for thigh?

The thigh bone/femur constitutes the upper leg, that part of the leg above the knee. The word "femur" is the Latin word for thigh.

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What are the two major anatomical regions of the body?

The body is divided into two major portions: axial and appendicular. The axial body runs right down the center (axis) and consists of everything except the limbs, meaning the head, neck, thorax (chest and back), abdomen, and pelvis.

Nicole Shamsudinov


How do you remember anatomical planes?

You can remember it by thinking of a tiara-syle crown (corona), which is heavily decorated on the front and bare in the back. sagittal plane: Its reference is to the long axis of the body. Divides body into left and right (the sagittal view is the side view of the body).