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Asked by: Soumia Grutzmacher
technology and computing social networkingHow do you use Artistle crackle medium?
In this manner, what is a crackle medium?
Crackle medium is a specialty product that causes paint applied over it to crack, resulting in a finish that looks aged and distressed. The more different the base coat and top coat paint colors are, the more dramatic the crackled effect, as it will be more visible than when using two similar colors.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how long do you let crackle medium dry?
Brush a coat of clear crackle-finish medium onto the piece. The crackle glaze usually takes 30 minutes to an hour to dry; follow the manufacturer's directions.
Mud cracking can occur when: Paint is applied too thickly in a single coat. 2. A flat latex paint is applied over a softer more flexible substance (such as caulk or a softer more flexible latex primer - particularly if the flat paint is highly pigmented as described above).