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Asked by: Milton Fiolhais
medical health pharmaceutical drugsHow do you use cayenne pepper tincture?
- Simplers Method. You can use the Simplers Method byfilling up a jar with red pepper flakes and then pouring invodka or grain alcohol to cover. Allow this to macerate for about 6weeks.
- Fresh Tincture. Use a 1:2 ratio in 95%alcohol.
- Dried Tincture. Use a 1:5 ratio in 75%alcohol.
In respect to this, what is cayenne pepper tincture good for?
Cayenne pepper is often used as a home remedy forcoughs, colds, and congestion. There are no studies to support thisuse, but cayenne may help to temporarily relieve congestionby shrinking the blood vessels in the nose and throat.
Furthermore, how much cayenne tincture should I take?
Take either 30-120 milligram capsules or 0.3-1milliliter of liquid tincture one to three times per day.You can also make an infusion using up to 1 teaspoon of powderedcayenne pepper per cup of water. Take a 1 teaspoondose of this mixture in a small amount of water a few times perday.
1. Cayenne Pepper. Research indicates thatingesting cayenne pepper increases circulation,improves blood vessel strength and reduces plaque buildup inyour arteries ( 7 ). What's more, these spicy peppers arefrequently included in pain-relieving creams because they canencourage blood flow to the affected area ( 8).