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Asked by: Gisele Fazenda
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you use fireplace vents?
- Lay kindling twigs over the grate. Stack logs on top in perpendicular layers with air spaces between them.
- Open the vents and light the kindling. Close the glass doors once the kindling is in flames.
- Open the glass doors once the logs begin to burn.
- Close the vents once there is a bed of coals under the grate.
Consequently, how do the vents on my fireplace work?
A fire crackling in the fireplace adds to the ambiance while the heat it generates helps to warm the area. A closed vent can cause smoke to billow into the room, but using the fireplace vents properly ensures enough air feeds the fire and the smoke escapes up the chimney.
Also Know, what is the vent at the bottom of my fireplace for?
Bottom Air Vent - The bottom air vent on Old-Style Heatilator Fireplaces are where cool room air is drawn into the fireplace. The air is then routed around the firebox and exits through the top air vent where it returns to the room as heated air.
Fresh Air Vent Needed for Fireplaces It can easily be 250 to 350 cubic feet of air per minute. The fresh air vent in the hearth may be blocked or it may not be able to supply enough air to satisfy the appetite of the fire. The additional air to feed the fire must come from somewhere.