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Asked by: Clovis Murychev
home and garden home appliancesHow do you use liquid bluing in a front load washer?
- Dilute the bluing liquid in water according to theinstructions: 1/4 teaspoon in 1 quart of water (4 cups) fora large load.
- Add diluted solution to the final rinse cycle of the wash. Fora top loader, pour directly into the drum. For a frontloader, add to the dispenser.
Regarding this, how do you use liquid bluing?
To whiten whites in a standard or top-load HE washer inthe wash cycle, stir 1/4 teaspoon liquid bluing into onequart of water. Use a glass jar to prevent staining plasticcontainers. Then add the solution to the wash water.
Also asked, how do you use blue on white clothes?
If you have to add the bluing agent after theclothes are already in the wash, dilute your 1/4 teaspoon ina quart of water and then add the solution to the wash water in themachine. If you're adding it for the rinse cycle, use about1/8 teaspoon instead.
The detergent drawer is split into 3compartments: - the compartment labelled "1" is forprewash detergent; - the compartment labelled " " is forspecial additives, fabric softeners, fragrances, starch,brighteners etc; - the compartment labelled "2" is for mainwash detergent.