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Asked by: Cristinel Meyering
style and fashion makeup and accessoriesHow do you use Luminizer cream?
Subsequently, one may also ask, what do you do with Luminizer?
A luminizer, found most often in stick orliquidform, is a shimmery product that's applied to the skin.Luminizerscan diffuse light to make skin look softer andyounger; addshimmer to highlight certain areas of the face; or adda soft glowto other parts of the body.
Beside this, what is Luminizer cream?
Cream Luminizer. Use EnlightenCreamLuminizer on cheek bones, brow bones and eyelids tocreate asensuous, luminous glow. It's not shiny, greasy, orglittery. Useit anywhere you want gorgeous, glowing skin. Simplyblend overcheek bones, down the bridge of the nose and at the bowof thelips.
The easiest way to understand the difference betweenaluminizer and highlighter is in their application.Aluminizer usually comes in a pump, and you apply it toyourentire face whereas a highlighter is applied tospecificareas—cheekbones, nose bridge, Cupid's bow—toadddimension to your face.