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Asked by: Doradia Dapia
business and finance construction industryHow do you use Newcrete concrete resurfacer?
Similarly, it is asked, does concrete resurfacer last?
Thanks to its advanced bonding properties, concrete resurfacing can last for quite a while. A properly resurfaced floor can last from 8-15 years.
Regarding this, does concrete resurfacer really work?
Concrete resurfacer is a very strong product, rated for a compressive strength of about 4,500 psi. This is actually stronger than the slab itself, so properly applied, resurfacing layers can be very durable.
Concrete Resurfacer. QUIKRETE® Concrete Resurfacer (No. 1131) is a special blend of portland cement, sand, polymer modifiers and other additives. Designed to provide a shrinkage compensated repair material for making thin repairs to sound concrete in need of surface renewal.