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Asked by: Zhiwen Plumecke
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you use rigid insulation?
- Exterior continuous insulation: Rigid foam can be used as sheathing—a continuous layer of insulation on wall exteriors attached before the installation of house wrap and siding.
- Basements: Indoors, rigid foam is the material of choice on walls where the insulation will be touching masonry.
Also, does rigid foam insulation need to be covered?
Rigid foam insulation, whether it is expanded or extruded polystyrene, does have to be covered if it is installed in the interior of a building. This wall covering must have a minimum fire rating to protect the insulation from quick combustion during a fire.
Herein, is foam board a good insulator?
Foam board insulation provides good thermal resistance and reduce heat conduction through structural elements, such as wood and steel studs, according to the U.S. DOE.
5 Answers. Rigid foam insulation is usually a qualified vapor barrier. However, an installation between the studs can pose a challenge. To complete the vapor barrier you would want to foam-seal or tape all the sides where the rigid meets timber, because these gaps will facilitate vapor flow.