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Asked by: Yan Elenin
hobbies and interests paintingHow do you use Rit dye fixative in washing machine?
- Place item(s) in the washing machine.
- Set water temperature to the hottest possible setting and a wash cycle of at least 20 minutes or longer.
- Use 4 ounces of ColorStay Dye Fixative for every pound of dry fabric.
- Pour ColorStay Dye Fixative into the dispenser.
Accordingly, can I use Rit dye in my washing machine?
Nonetheless, we can promise you Rit won't permanently stain any metal component on your machine. We even launched liquid dye just so that it would be easier to use Rit in your machine. With that much history, you can feel confident that your washing machine will stay dye free for decades to come.
- For small projects, spraying the fixative directly on the fabric works best. Attach a spray trigger or pour it into a spray bottle.
- Let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing with cool water.
- For larger, solidly dyed items, use the sink or bucket method.
Similarly, what can I use as a dye fixative?
Sodium carbonate works extremely well as a fixative for fiber reactive dyes, including Procion MX dyes as well as Cibacron F, Drimarene K, and Remazol type dyes.
It's important to use fiber reactive dyes, such as the dyes in good tie-dyeing kits, if you want to tie-dye; if you use fiber reactive dyes, you will not need to use a product like Rit Dye Fixative, because the dyes are permanent without it, when applied according to the instructions.