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Asked by: Christel Tibelius
business and finance executive leadership and managementHow do you use subordination?
Also question is, what is an example of subordination?
A subordinate clause contains a subject and a verb, but it needs to be attached to a main clause because it cannot make sense on its own. For example: This is a complex sentence (also referred to as a multi-clause sentence). Examples of subordinate clauses include embedded clauses and relative clauses.
Also Know, how do you use subordination in a sentence?
subordinate Sentence Examples
- He put on the air of a subordinate who obeys without reasoning.
- The authorship of the epistles is in many cases a matter of subordinate importance; at least for Protestants or for those surrendering Bible infallibility, which Rome can hardly do.
- I consider myself fortunate to have such a subordinate by me.
Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms Subordination in English grammar is the process of linking two clauses in a sentence so that one clause is dependent on (or subordinate to) another. Clauses joined by coordination are called main clauses or independent clauses.