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Asked by: Joselito Sarabando
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you use the blast furnace in Minecraft?
Steps to Use a Blast Furnace
- Place the Blast Furnace.
- Add Fuel to the Blast Furnace.
- Add Item to Blast Furnace.
- Move the Item to Inventory.
Keeping this in view, what does a blast furnace do in Minecraft?
In Minecraft, the blast furnace is another important item in your inventory. A blast furnace is used to smelt items in the game, similar to a furnace. However, a blast furnace smelts twice as fast as a furnace! A blast furnace can be found in a Village in the Armorer's house.
how do you fuel a blast furnace in Minecraft?
Using a Blast Furnace is more or less the same as using a regular Furnace. Just pop some fuel in the bottom-left section, and follow it with the smeltable item in the top-left section. Remember, Blast Furnaces can only smelt things. But, while they do so at twice the speed, it uses fuel at twice the rate too.
Minecraft For Dummies Placing a furnace on a surface and right-clicking it opens a menu with three slots: fuel, input, and output. The fuel slot can take coal (eight uses per lump), wooden objects (three uses per 2 planks), and items such as blaze rods or lava buckets. It also takes a variety of other flammable items.