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Asked by: Mimount Esche
events and attractions funeralHow do you use the word labyrinth in a sentence?
- Lana suspected the labyrinth of tunnels and chambersranbeneath the entire town.
- south, there is a very curious labyrinth of redmarblerocks.
- The older portion of the town is still surrounded, on thenorthand east, by its ancient, though dilapidated medieval walls,and isa labyrinth of steep and dirty streets.
Besides, what is a sentence for Labyrinth?
? a complicated irregular network of passages or pathsinwhich it is difficult to find one's way; a maze. ExamplesofLabyrinth in a sentence. 1. At the farm, I founditvery easy to get lost in the labyrinth ofcornstalks.
One may also ask, how do I use henceforth?
Examples of henceforth in a Sentence Henceforth, supervisors will report directlytothe manager. She announced that henceforth she wouldberunning the company. These example sentences areselectedautomatically from various online news sources to reflectcurrentusage of the word 'henceforth.'
Use Lachrymose in a sentenceexamples After Diana's husband died, she becamealachrymose woman who could not stop crying. My wife isverylachrymose that I can not enjoy watching sad movieswithher. Shows on TV about people dying of cancer makes me becomeverylachrymose.