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Asked by: Issame Zimmerling
religion and spirituality buddhismHow do you use the word pinnacle in a sentence?
Consequently, how do you use pinnacle in a sentence?
pinnacle Sentence Examples. Thiswasthepinnacle of my happiness, from which I was in alittlewhiledashed to earth. below the summit of thehighestpinnacleand 673 ft. below the summit of thehighestpinnacle and 673ft.
Hereof, what does the pinnacle of something mean?
1 : an upright architectural member generally endinginasmall spire and used especially in Gothic constructiontogiveweight especially to a buttress. 2 : a structureorformationsuggesting a pinnacle specifically : a loftypeak.3 : thehighest point of development or achievement:acme.
noun. a lofty peak. the highest or culminatingpoint,asof success, power, fame, etc.: the pinnacle ofone'scareer.any pointed, towering part or formation, asofrock.