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Asked by: Nia Perraud
style and fashion hair careHow do you wash clip in synthetic hair extensions?
- Step 1: Prepare the hair for washing.
- Step 2: Fill sink or bath with lukewarm water.
- Step 3: Use normal shampoo and conditioner.
- Step 4: Rinse.
- Step 5: Squeeze hair to get rid of excess water andbrush out tangles.
- Step 6: Leave to dry naturally.
Also know, can you wash clip in hair extensions?
Pretty much like you would your own care, withone extra caveat - they don't need to be washed on a dailybasis. The great thing about Clip in hair extensions is thatsince they're not attached to your scalp, they don't absorb theoils your natural hair would so you don't have towash them as often.
Likewise, people ask, how do you wash clip in hair extensions at home?
- Get the extensions and back comb all the hair beforewashing.
- Fill the sink or bath with some lukewarm water and wet theextension.
- Use normal shampoo and conditioner on the extensions.
- Once all of the shampoo and conditioner is off the extension,squeeze excess water out of it and brush it.
To keep your synthetic hair soft, start bysubmerging it in a tub filled with cool water and shampoo. Let itsit for 5 to 10 minutes, gently swishing it the whole time. Then,remove the hair, rinse the shampoo off using cool water, andsubmerge it in a tub filled with cool water and conditioner orfabric softener.