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Asked by: Jallal Meckler
style and fashion bath and showerHow do you wash white jeans in the washing machine?
In this way, how do you wash jeans in the washing machine?
To wash jeans, start by selecting a gentle ordelicate cycle on your washing machine and filling it withcold water. Before placing your jeans in the water, turnthem inside out so they don't fade or get damaged. For bestresults, only wash jeans with other jeans andsimilarly-colored clothing.
- Blot The Stain With Cold Water. Start the way you would withany other item of clothing.
- Soak With Vinegar. Heinz Distilled White Vinegar, $3,Walmart.
- Try Laundry Detergent. Woolite Darks, $14, W almart.
- Use Baking Powder. Clabber Girl Baking Powder, $2, K mart.
Beside above, can I wash white jeans with colors?
ANSWER: It is not a good idea to wash whites withcolored clothes if you want your white clothes tostay white. Cold water washing will not make clothesbleed color like hot water will. Color transfercan still happen when using only cold water so it is best tokeep colors and whites separated.
Mix 1/2 teaspoon of liquid dish detergent and 1tablespoon of white vinegar in a large bowl or basin. Soakthe pants in the solution for 15 minutes. Alternatively,soak the pants in an enzymatic pre-soak product for 30minutes.