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Asked by: Saniya Packheiser
home and garden outdoor decoratingHow do you waterproof outdoor patio cushions?
- Clean all cushions if they are soiled.
- Let dry thoroughly.
- Place the chair cushions outdoors on a clean, flat surface and spray the front of the cushions.
- Hold the spray can at 6 to 8 inches from the surface of the cushions and spray with a steady, continuous stroke.
Also question is, can you waterproof outdoor cushions?
You can waterproof your indoor cushions to use outdoors. Doing so is simple, but requires regular maintenance to ensure the long life of the fabric. Cushions covered in sturdy fabrics, such as heavy cotton or durable polyesters, will fare best outdoors. Waterproofing indoor cushions for outdoor use is safe and easy.
- Keep it clean. Even if your furniture is covered, it's still going to accrue dirt and rot if you don't clean it every once in a while.
- Protect fabric.
- Hold it in place.
- Use furniture sunscreen.
- Plan ahead.
Herein, how do you protect outdoor cushions from rain?
Weatherproof your cushions with a waterproof silicone spray to help protect them from mold and mildew. Choose a spray specifically made for your cushion's material. Apply waterproofing spray if your cushions did not come with a weatherproof coating and after you have washed them.
Here's how maintain outdoor furniture cushions to keep them looking great. Outdoor fabrics, such as Sunbrella®, are moisture, mildew and fade resistant. Should cushions be left out in the rain, as soon as it stops, shake or wipe off excess water and let them air out a bit.