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Asked by: Maybell Dulisz
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do you wire a 4 wire fan?
Then, why do computer fans have 4 wires?
In addition to the power, ground, and tach signal, 4-wire fans have a PWM input, which is used to control the speed of the fan. Instead of switching the power to the entire fan on and off, only the power to the drive coils is switched, making the tach information available continuously.
Likewise, people ask, how does a 4 pin fan work?
A 4-pin fan is designed for control a different way, by giving it a fixed voltage supply and then a special signal called PWM on Pin #4. The 4-pin fan has its own internal circuit to apply that PWM signal to its power supply to adjust its speed. This means of control is called "PWM Mode".
The ground may be there, but it may not be connected.
- Take the ends of both the 12-2 ROMEX® wire and the 12-3 ROMEX® wire and strip 1/2 inch of insulation off each wire. Push both ends into an electrical junction box.
- Look at the four wires of the 12-3 cable.
- Alternatively, use the red wire as the hot wire.