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Asked by: Carlos Kerkhoffs
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you wire a thermostat light?
Consequently, what color wire goes where on a thermostat?
Here are common uses for wire colors: Blue or Black – C – Common wire, may be unused by your existing thermostat. Enables continuous power flow from the Red wire. Red – R – 24VAC power from the furnace's transformer.
- RH - This wire comes from the 24VAC transformer on the heating system.
- RC - This wire comes from the 24VAC transformer on the air-conditioning system.
- W - This wire comes from the relay that turns on the heating system.
- Y - This wire comes from the relay that turns on the cooling system.
Also to know is, what happens if you wire a thermostat wrong?
Electric shock. Damaging the thermostat unit, the electrical system or even the AC/furnace unit itself. Dual-fuel systems, a poorly located thermostat, whole-home humidifiers, or incorrect wiring can make the installation of a thermostat a longer, more frustrating, and more complicated process.
In the most basic system, this functionality is provided by use of a fan center relay, and the low voltage wiring to the thermostat now will require a minimum of three wires (for heat only units) and four wires (for heat / cool / fan) for control.