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Asked by: Tabetha Tzalikov
hobbies and interests scrapbookingHow do you wrap a mug with wrapping paper?
Fold the bottom end of the packing paper up and around the length of the cup. Stuff the other end of the packing paper inside the mug's mouth. If either end is too long to fold or stuff, trim it with a pair of scissors. Double tuck and wrap the mug in packing paper if it is especially valuable or fragile.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you wrap a glass cup?
- Gather together all glasses, vases, bowls, and other hollow items.
- Stuff the inside with crumpled packing paper.
- Roll the item in packing paper.
- Wrap bubble wrap around the outside of the paper.
- Place the item upside down in a box.
- Fill the empty space with more peanuts or packing paper.
- Step 2: Wrap Glass in Bubble Wrap. Use three layers of bubble wrap over the paper and hold together with tape.
- Step 3: Preparing the Box.
- Step 4: Packing the Box with Glassware.
- Step 5: Empty Spaces.
Similarly, what can I put in a coffee mug as a gift?
To get your creative juices flowing, here are 12 great mug gift ideas.
- Give It with Cake. The whole “cake in a mug” thing is all the rage right now.
- Fill It with Pencils.
- Fill It with Tea.
- Give Them to Yourself.
- Make Some Snowman Soup.
- Create a Mug Planter.
- Bouquet of Cinnamon Buns.
- Include a Kit for Crafty Folks.
Protecting glass during a move is pretty simple:
- Place the mirror, frame or glass on a flat surface -- make sure the fragile side is facing up.
- Take packing tape and press it onto the glass, making an "X" out of the tape.
- Transport from place to place carefully.