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Asked by: Nicolai Vivekanand
business and finance currenciesHow do you write 0.326 in word form?
Thereof, how do you write decimals in word form?
To read and write decimals, use thefollowingsteps:
- Step #1. First, read the digits to the left of the decimalpointas a whole number.
- Step #2. Say and for the decimal point.
- Step #3. Read the digits to the right of the decimal point asawhole number.
- Step #4. Say the place name of the last digit.
- Examples:
Also asked, how do you write a decimal in word form and expanded form?
Expanded Form in Decimals Writing decimals in expanded formsimplymeans writing each number according to its placevalue. Thisis done by multiplying each digit by its place value andaddingthem together. Let's look at an example: 2.435.Inwords, we would say this as two and four hundredthirty-fivethousandths.
When we expand a number to show the value ofeachdigit, we're writing that number in expanded form.Writingnumbers in expanded form just means that we'reshowing thevalue of each digit in the number. This form ishandybecause it shows what a number really means by defining eachof itsdigits.