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Asked by: Clavelina Santibañez
technology and computing desktop publishingHow do you write italics on discord?
To create italics or italicized textinDiscord, you have to type the asterisk once again, butthistime use only one asterisk. Again, the asterisk (star) isSHIFT+8on your keyboard.
Accordingly, how do you write in italics on WhatsApp?
Formatting your messages
- Italic. To italicize your message, place an underscore onbothsides of the text, like so:
- Bold. To bold your message, place an asterisk on both sidesofthe text, like so:
- Strikethrough. To strikethrough your message, place a tildeonboth sides of the text, like so:
- Monospace.
Just so, how do you use italics?
Use Italics when you want to emphasize acertainword or phrase. A common use for italics is todrawattention to a particular part of a text in order toprovideemphasis. If something is important or shocking, you mightwant toitalicize that word or phrase so that your readers don'tmissit.
Italics in notes
- Step 1: Create a new note. Go to andclickthe "Write a note" button.
- Step 2: Get your italic text. Select the portion of textyouwant italicized. And click the "I"
- Step 4: You're done. Congratulations! Your note now hasitalictext!