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Asked by: Jiawen Jenas
hobbies and interests needleworkHow do you yarn over at the beginning of a row?
Moreover, how do you do yarn over before knitting?
Yarn Over Between TwoKnitStitches All you have to do to make a yarnoverbetween knit stitches is bring the yarnaround theright-hand needle from back to front, wrappingcounter-clockwisearound the needle and taking the yarn backto the backbefore knitting the nextstitch.
Besides, what is the difference between yarn over and yarn forward?
A yarn forward is more commonly the Britishterm,while a yarn over is the preferred American term.Forinstance, if you are working a purl stitch, your yarnisnaturally in the front of the work. If the nextstitchrequires a yarn over followed by a knit stitch, youmight beconfused about where to place youryarn.
A yarn over (abbreviated yo) makes anextrastitch on your needle and creates a deliberate little hole inyourfabric. Yarn overs are an indispensable part oflaceknitting. They have a multitude of other applications,aswell, such as decorative increases, buttonholes, and noveltystitchpatterns.