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Asked by: Erlene Ibarrez
technology and computing cameras and camcordersHow does a camera monopod work?
In this manner, what is the point of a monopod?
A monopod is meant to support the weight of yourcamera setup so that you can use it comfortably. It kind of defeatsthe purpose then if you're picking your camera up to takeimages. For that reason, you should extend a monopod so thatthe camera sits at your eye level.
Consequently, are camera monopods any good?
Monopods are excellent for shooting in low light,reducing camera-shake, or simply providing yourself with alittle extra support throughout the day's shoot – this isespecially useful if you're on a hike.
Just as the TRI in tripod means three, the MONOin monopod means – you guessed it – one! Theyare simply a single leg support on which you can mount your cameraand/or lens. Monopods are perfect for taking the weight of a heavylens/camera combination to stop aches and pains from a long day ofshooting.