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Asked by: David Fehrenschild
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow does a central heating thermostat work?
Moreover, how does a thermostat work?
Mechanical thermostats regulate heat thanks totheexpansion of their internal metallic strips. This stripcarrieselectricity through the connected circuit, switching ontheheating. As the strip heats up, one of the metals expands enoughtoopen the circuit and switch off the heating, cooling theroomdown.
One may also ask, what temperature should central heating thermostat be set at?
Your room thermostat should be set tothelowest comfortable temperature, typically between 18 and21degrees. You don't need to turn your thermostat up whenitis colder outside; the house will heat up to thesettemperature regardless.
Ideal Thermostat Placement The best place for your thermostat isonan interior wall, away from all the areas we previouslydiscussed(direct sunlight, air vents, your kitchen, hallways,windows anddoors). Ideally, it should be placed toward thecenter ofyour home.