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Asked by: Heorhiy Jeyaseelan
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow does a coaxial heat exchanger work?
Beside this, what is a coaxial heat exchanger?
A coaxial heat exchanger is a kind kind of tube heat exchanger, it is usually used as condenser or evaporator in a heat pump, marine air conditioner, swimming pool, water chiller etc. Mostly it is a water cold heat exchanger. The structure can be as round, rectangle, spiral, double helix and so on.
Similarly one may ask, what is a heat exchanger and how does it work?
As the water pumps through the pipes, it absorbs the heat energy and heats up. A heat exchanger is a device that allows heat from a fluid (a liquid or a gas) to pass to a second fluid (another liquid or gas) without the two fluids having to mix together or come into direct contact.
A condenser is a device which converts vapour into the liquid state whereas a heat exchanger is a device which is used for heat recovery also to transfer heat from two fluids. Heat exchanger only heat is transferred without phase change and heat is transferred along with the phase change in the condenser.