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Asked by: Tiana Ikarte
business and finance power and energy industryHow does a cooperative society work?
Beside this, how does credit cooperative society work?
Credit Co-operative Societies arefinancialinstitutions which are established with the objective ofprovidingloans to its members at a reasonable rate of interest.Creditcooperative societies also create employmentopportunities forits members by providing loans to buy a rickshawor ataxi.
Similarly, it is asked, what is Cooperative Society example?
Gujarat Co-operative Milk MarketingFederationthat sells AMUL milk products is an example ofmarketingco-operative society. Lift-irrigationcooperativesocieties and pani-panchayats are some of theexamplesof co-operative farmingsociety.
Types of Cooperatives
- 1) Retail Cooperatives. Retail Cooperatives are a typeof"consumer cooperative" which help create retail stores tobenefitthe consumers-making the retail “ourstore”.
- 2) Worker Cooperatives.
- 3) Producer Cooperatives.
- 4) Service Cooperatives.
- 5) Housing Cooperatives.