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Moreover, what is a fuel injected engine?
Fuel injection is the introduction offuelin an internal combustion engine, most commonlyautomotiveengines, by the means of an injector. Alldieselengines use fuel injection by design. Onpetrolengines, fuel injection replaced carburetorsfrom the1980s onward.
Secondly, how does fuel get into engine?
The gas first enters the fuel pump.Thefuel pump is what physically pumps fuel out ofthegas tank. Before it can get to the engine, the gas hastopass through the fuel filter. The fuel filterremovesany impurities or debris from the gasoline before it getsinto theengine.
So with a carburetor, the best fuel toairratio for each cylinder is approximated for the bestperformance.However, carburetors do last longer thanfuelinjection systems and are favored in motor sports.Thecarburetor is currently much less expensive thantheelectronic fuel injection systems.