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Asked by: Evgeni Delaney
technology and computing virtual realityHow does a lawn mower kill switch work?
In respect to this, how does an ignition kill switch work?
Most kill switches work by stopping theelectrical flow from your ignition system, your battery orthrough a fuse that works on a needed part, like your fuelpump.
Beside above, how does bike engine kill switch work?
They both kill the engine in the same way,by grounding the ignition to kill the spark. Thedifference is that the rest of the electrical system is stillpowered (lights, horn, injection pump, etc) when using the killswitch to stop the engine.
The kill switch simply grounds the ignition, sono spark happens in the spark plug. The electrical pulse from theignition coil we'll take the easier route to ground via thedirectly connected ground switch. The kill switch issimply a shortcut that prevents normal running function of theignition system.