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Asked by: Edinalva Weaver
music and audio tv and film podcastsHow does a microstrip antenna work?
Hereof, how does a microstrip patch antenna work?
It consists of a rectangular metal patch on adielectric substrate and is excited by a voltage source across themetal patch and the bottom ground plane of the substrate.The microstrip antenna produces maximum radiation in thebroadside direction (θ = 0), with ideally no radiation alongthe substrate edges (θ = 90°).
In this regard, what is meant by microstrip antenna?
In telecommunication, a microstrip antenna (alsoknown as a printed antenna) usually means anantenna fabricated using microstrip techniques on aprinted circuit board (PCB). It is a kind of internalantenna. Most microstrip antennas consist of multiplepatches in a two-dimensional array.
With the wireless technology becoming ubiquitous, manyengineers will be taking advantage of Bob's invention -microstrip patch antenna, in one form or the other. Likemany great people, Bob will be remembered through hisinvention for generations to come !!