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Asked by: Verline Vanderlinde
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow does a pellet furnace work?
A pellet stove has a combustion blower that pulls outside air into the stove through a fresh-air vent and then blows out smoke and fumes through a stainless-steel exhaust vent. There's also a convection blower that draws room air into the stove and blows heated air into the room through a series of heat-exchange tubes.
Hereof, are pellet stoves cost efficient?
Pellet stoves that are certified by the EPA are likely to be in the 70% to 83% efficiency range. Most pellet stoves cost between $1,700 and $3,000. However, a pellet stove is often cheaper to install than a conventional wood-burning heater.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how long will a 40 lb bag of wood pellets burn?
24 hours
Pellet stoves are not designed to heat your entire home, instead they are room/zone heating appliances to provide heat to the immediate area in which they are located.