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Asked by: Boujema Nesmelov
technology and computing internet of thingsHow does a potentiometer control motor speed Arduino?
Similarly, how do you control the speed of a DC motor using PWM Arduino?
When the speed is varied from 1 to 9, the speed increases, with the value 9 set as the maximum speed of the motor. A PWM DC motor controller technology is used to control the speed. In PWM, the Arduino sends a pulsating wave that is similar to astable mode of 555 timer IC.
In respect to this, how do you change the speed of an Arduino DC motor?
You can only control the speed of a DC motor with PWM if the motor has a significant mechanical load. A unloaded motor will just keep running unaffected during the off parts of the PWM cycle. Attach a pot to control the PWM value and pinch the motor spindle between your fingers. Then you will feel the speed change.
No you can't use a dimmer switch to control a DC motor. A dimmer uses diac and triac and only works with AC which commutates the triac OFF at the end of every half cycle. Also keep in mind universal motors don't speed control very well anyway and need to have a viscous load to enable speed controlling to happen.