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Asked by: Costica Rheder
business and finance mechanical and industrial engineering industryHow does a pressure transducer work?
Accordingly, what is a pressure transducer and how does it work?
How low pressure transducers work. A pressuretransducer is a measuring device which converts an appliedpressure into an electrical signal. Generally, a pressuretransducer consists of two parts, an elastic material whichdeforms under the application of pressure and an electricalpart which detects this deformation.
In this regard, what is the function of a pressure transducer?
A pressure sensor is a device for pressuremeasurement of gases or liquids. Pressure is an expressionof the force required to stop a fluid from expanding, and isusually stated in terms of force per unit area. A pressuresensor usually acts as a transducer; it generates asignal as a function of the pressureimposed.
Differential pressure sensors are at the heart ofvarious instruments that measure flow, pressure and liquidlevel of industrial processes. The diaphragm flexes and is sensedas an electrical signal that is proportional to the difference inthe two pressures.