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Asked by: Gytis Estor
business and finance mechanical and industrial engineering industryHow does a speedometer stepper motor work?
Regarding this, how does a stepper motor work?
Stepper motors are DC motors that move in discrete steps. They have multiple coils that are organized in groups called "phases". By energizing each phase in sequence, the motor will rotate, one step at a time. With a computer controlled stepping you can achieve very precise positioning and/or speed control.
Consequently, how does a stepper motor analog dash gauge work?
A stepper motor is a type of motor which can rotate in small steps depending upon the input signal provided to it. Analog displays on the dash uses stepper motor to move the needle. A discreet signal is provided to the motor which controls the rotation of the steps.
Working of Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor The operation of this motor works on the principle that unlike poles attract each other and like poles repel each other. When the stator windings are excited with a DC supply, it produces magnetic flux and establishes the North and South poles.